Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Relearn, Receive, Respond, Repeat

The New Year came on strong - with a ferocity that literally stopped the northeast, Catskills included, in its tracks.

The path of a young bear
Air temperatures of -16 heralded the first week of 2018.

We started 'spinning our wheels' and decided to stop and reassess 
The old way of doing things - taking the same route, making the same choices, following the same routine - no longer served us.

Bubbling beneath the surface
Charlie Browne and I put on our micro-spikes (he's always wearing his) and decided to blaze a new path. 

In all situations, there are three choices: fight, flee, freeze. The deadliest choice, always, is to freeze. 

Know your limits - and challenge them.


*Between hikes, Lillian Browne writes about the environment, politics, crime and business in Delaware County. She is a NYS licensed outdoor adventure guide exploring the world around her, one step at a time, with her dog - Charlie.

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