Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Winter Shift

The first few snowfalls - the kind that stick and lend themselves to snowman-making - have helped us shift into a winter mindset in the western Catskills.

Winter boots have taken up seasonal residence near the front door where skis, poles, snowshoes and goggles now stand ready for mid-week hooky playing.

Back-pack staples transition from bug spray and mosquito face nets to bags of Twizzlers and tins of paw protector, because neither Charlie Browne or I have the sense to come inside long after we should have.

We transform into snow-crazed, ice-glazed cold-weather gluttons, happy to trek for hours through hushed forests.

Evergreens are caked and iced with layered snow, while aged, de-barked hardwoods showcase henna-patterned moss - an elemental art show.

The landscape willingly shares its wisdom gained in the seasonal shift - resist nothing, embrace change and carry on.

*Between hikes, Lillian Browne writes about the environment, politics, crime and business in Delaware County. She is a NYS licensed outdoor adventure guide exploring the world around her, one step at a time, with her dog - Charlie.

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